Okay so big things are happening. Thus the reason I have been neglecting to blog. Lots to write with no time to write it.
Big thing #1!
We are Credit Card free!!!! Yay!! Hard work has paid off. Bye bye credit cards!!!
Big thing #2!!
Because of #1 made #2 Possible! Today I made my way back to the 24 hour Fitness gym!!
The last time I was there was a couple of weeks after we discovered we again were going to be parents. So as a precaution I stopped going to the gym. I hated quiting it. I was just getting back to a place again where I just started to like my reflection again. Apparently so did my Husband ;o)
But it was a great trade. Christian sure is cute....
Back in March I was counting down the days when... we bought a new Van and the reality was new car payment + Gym dues = Way too much money... So so close. Oh well.
But with all those pesky credit card bills it makes it able to again check those kidlets in and pump some iron!!
So I went in.. checked in my sweet babies and sat down for the bottom line. Yep I got a physical assessment.
I hated it but I need to know where I am starting. Not as bad as I worried but at the same time not great.
Now I know .... Shake it off and hit the ground running!
Life can change quickly and some times you don't see it coming. But sometimes like now you DO see it happening. Almost in slow motion. My children have evolved so much lately I am beginning to see a time where the chaos of Night Time Trauma, Breakfast Lunch & Dinner Melt Downs & The Barrage of No's might be at least slimming down.
Over the weekend we made our way out onto our first Family Vacation!! We made our travels to the Great Wolf Lodge here in Washington. It was a worry a headache because we didn't know what to expect. So with my parents we went with fingers crossed.
The drive down we got the classic "Are we there yets." Which made me smile from ear to ear.
But it was when we arrived.... Wow.
So long story. But the kids were great and had a wonderful time.
My two older boys are showing signs of emerging into big boys. Especially Johnpaul. His change is boggling my mind. He went into that water park head held high and with no fear went on all but 1 slide. That was only because he's just too darn short he's 42" tall and needs to be 48". Next time son.
Nate is changing incredibly these days. His speech is getting clearer, he is more quickly following after his brother now. He also is Almost there on Potty Training. So close. We just gotta get this guy turned around on the seat and he'll be done! The past week now Nathaniel has been going to bed with out much fuss. He is starting to need help and encouragement less. This gives me hope. It's going to be okay and someday even sooner than I dreamed we might get back to some adult normalcy around here.
This would be fantastic, I miss my Husband.
Now Christian. He's been speeding along quickly on my Cafemom October group as a Dare Devil!
He's speeding along getting into anything he can. Right now he's favorite this is the stairs.
If at any moment the gate is removed this baby is UP them. He waits by them, just in the hope that he might get a chance to climb them. So when ever we go up I let him. Of coarse with my supervision.
Yesterday was a biggy. Now I have this to worry about. I was in the front living area and returned back only to find him sitting on the ottoman???? How, what the heck!!! Yep, didn't see him do it but non the less there he is perched up on top looking at me like What?
He's into every thing now too. Cupboards, drawers all the usual hiding places where I put before him friendly goodies. Kids and their love for Tupperware. Good stuff.
Who knows Future Drummer, Rock Climber??
The winds of change are upon us.
I don't know What my guys will be. But I do know this, they will be great. I'm one proud Mama.
Christian today is 10 months old. He just grabbed onto his toy and stood up and off he went! Just like that!! He has grown sooo fast, too fast.
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Hey there. A couple times a year Top Mommy Blogs does a reset and everyone starts from Zero again!!
This just happened July 5th.
So EVERYONE Started from square #1
So and I am again fighting my way like a Salmon trying to get up stream!!!
Okay well not that dramatic but it is a very small dream of mine to make this a success.
I love to blog it is a fantastic stress release for me. I'd love to stay in the Top 50!
If you like my Blog or are amused by it Please click on the link or picture to Vote. It's seriously this easy. Alls ya do is: Click , click !! You can Vote Once a day!
So I ordered these gDiapers off of Amazon.com they should be here tomorrow.
But .... If you may or may not know this about my personality but, I'm an obsessor. Okay I said it. Now that is done back on to my story.
So I started calling around. I got very discouraged because the lady I got at Babies R Us originally kept say 'Huh, what are these??' So I hung up called back and yet got another person who was capable. Sean at the Tukwila store ROCKED. Not only did they have the product I was looking for he brought them to the front where they were waiting for me at the customer service counter. This helped tons because shopping with three wee ones...NOT FUN....
So I got the goods and out the door I fled. Off to home with my new thing to try! I don't know about you but I am a gitty little school girl when it comes to trying stuff.
We bought this
and This
I get home strip the baby down and since I am an obsessor and have already watched every youtube, video and tid bit of information available.
Also stalked my friends who I know use them, make them or have used cloth for their wealth of information on this subject. (Obsess much?) So by this time I'm am a self proclaimed Genius on this. (yeah right, kidding)
Well here is my report back of yesterday and through out the night. Not much to report. They held, they are easy to maintain and fun to flush LOL John thinks they are funny.
I will report though that they did leak. Not surprised to happen when he eats all night at the drive up window of all you can eat buffet of Mommy.
I'd have to say over the 4.5 years of becoming and being a Mom I have had numerous people suggest me to use cloth diapers. I was always shy about them because of my personal experience with them in the past when all was available was Diaper pins and rubber pants. They leaked all over the place, were messy, stunk and don't get me started on the pins... The shear fear of pinning a baby was more than enough to steer me away from trying.
But these are neat. Velcro helps with that fear of harm, the inserts and the internal "rubber pant" shield that is removable rocks. I am awaiting the cloth inserts hoping I will like them as well as the flushables. One of the biggest reasons for trying this is cost. I'd like to be a Moola saving Mama. With three this is a difficult task.
So when they arrive I'll give a further assessment. Lets hope for all good. So far so good!
Okay... So a little late. I have 3 kids. Johnpaul is 4.25 already potty trained :o) Nathaniel is 2.5 and almost potty trained. We just gotta get him turned around on the seat (he sits backwards) then he'll be done.
Then I come to Christian. He's going on 10 months old. Obviously he'll be in diapers for a bit.
He's a sensitive baby. He gets a lot of rashes so I thought hummmm... I have heard from friends that with cloth this is a lot less. So what the heck. Years ago I diapered a kid I had in my care with cloth it was lame but this was back in the diaper pin days. These new fangled diapers they have now don't use pins. So it'll give it a try right? Maybe save some money for a change!!
The other Awesome added benefits I hope for are us not adding more to are already hurting planet. If I can help by doing this major Bonus!!
So I went online and tried to find some where I could walk in and buy them to try. Nope... At least no where I could find. Babies R Us has them but not in stores. Target has them but also not in stores. So I resorted to online sources. I ordered them off of Amazon.com
I got This
And These
Wish me Luck.... They arrive Thursday. I'll give it the Old College Try!! Moms who have experience with this.... Help me succeed and give me tips. Tip are WELCOME.
Wow!! Happy 4th of July!
I am happy it is just no longer July 5th! The weekend started out great!
Saturday was a day of appointments and Birthday Party fun! Hanging with good friends in the celebration of a sweet girl! Brynna turned 3!!
Man, I know she's not mine but I sitting thinking about her growth and change got seriously choked up! But I guess it's an easy thing to happen. I have known her since she was barley 7 months old. Watched her grow learn and become the absolutely sweet child she is today. It's easy to say I love that little girl. So she is mine.
Then we come to Sunday. I woke up as usual, tired head hurting. This is nothing new. I've been waking like this for months now. But it took a turn from an annoying dull constant ache to Owie I want everyone to please stop talking!!!! It's bad when the sound of your Own voice is ticking you off. LOL So we went to John's family and it was painful. I felt bad for being there. A distraction from all the fun they were having. Oh well... we went home and I got some rest, Thankfully. I thank my sweet loving Husband for that. He really is great, the best really.
That brings us to yesterday. Monday our fun day, the really we didn't have to run day .... Sorry ;o)
Any who.. it started out great! We got up ate breakfast... steam cleaned the carpets... cleaned a bit... got our eyes checked.. I got really cute glasses!! Went to Target. It was really a successful day! Got a lot done.
Then..... I got the phone call. My pal Casey called telling me his wife Mindy my other dear pal had to be rushed to the emergency room and they were now there awaiting tests. I was speechless... (This being a rare thing) I seriously didn't know what to think. A rush of scared rushed over me. So thankfully she was made comfortable and eventually sent home now ruling out a heart attack. Follow up with a specialist and hopefully we can prevent that what ever it was from happening again.....
Then I didn't know about the final thing till I woke up this morning. My 11 year old Niece Taylor cut her hand being a goofball and had to go to ER and got stitches. Haven't gotten the full story yet.... But Oie!!
So there were some great things about the weekend and some Lame things too.
Ya take the Good with the Bad and there ya have ( I won't finish that. It ages me ;o)_ )
So I have been neglecting my blog the past couple of days.
I have great excuses though. Yesterday was a holiday, I've been getting caught up on much needed house work, playing a lot with the kids this week because the weather has sucked and oh yeah... MY head is KILLING me!!!
I've had a head ache for over three months now... not kidding. But in the past couple of days it's been flooring it! I can't seem to get control of it. So today I am going to the eye doctor to get my eyes checked. Something I have been putting off for far too long.
I did use to wear glasses but have neglected to get my eyes checked and new prescriptions. Or heck, wear the ones I have LOL
Am I a vain person? .. No.
But I will say glasses make me look like a big Dork. I never can find frames that are appealing on me. But if I do they are frames that look fabulous on everyone!! So today I will get seen and hopefully figure out what the heck is going on with me. And maybe get some nifty glasses out of it too. I'll post later with a picture if in fact I do get some.
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I'm a person who is highly devoted to my Husband John, my three sons Johnpaul, Nathaniel & Christian.
These four people are my Reason.
My Family, my Friends & God who I am in debt to, they have made me into who I am today. Thank you for the strength.
I am a person who actually likes to work, currently my occupation is MOM. Which also happens to be the hardest yet most rewarding job I've ever had, and believe me I've had a lot of different jobs. :o)
I have a pretty strong personality. I get told this a lot.
I'm supposing this is in fact a good thing. If not sorry.
I enjoy meeting new people and discovering new
friends. I am a person who to my best ability tries to be very honest, forgiving and respectful. I am not perfect and do not expect others to be.
**I only have a few pet peeves and the main one is people trying to act like they are better than any one else.
If you act like this GO AWAY......
Born March 29th 2006 He's my Master Negotiator and Helper
This little man is my baby in training. He gave me the greatest honor of changing my life and title forever. He made me Mom. He made me important.
It has been a short four years that have blurred past of sword fights, super heroes and laughs.
Johnpaul is a Big Brother ask any one he doesn't take his title lightly.
One of my most favorite of many amazing attributes of Johnpaul is his idea of Honor Love and Family. He is a awesome little boy. I look forward in watching him grow.
My Big & Naughty Nathaniel Jacob
Born November 21st 2007 He's my Determined Problem Solver
This guy was worry from within the whom. At week 15 I started to bleed. We were loosing him. It was that day this sweet one even before breathing air taught me one of my most precious life lessons.. patience.
Before I had little but while pregnant with him I was on strict bed rest for 172 days. I was more than worth it.
My image of him was he was the most Determined person.. boy was I right. He will because of this be anything he wants. Greatness is in his future.
Nathaniel is loving, sweet and considerate. He can melt your worst day with his smile.
My sweet baby Christian Michael
Born September 10th 2009 He is my Big Snuggler
This little love. He's my last but in no where my least. He was not planned but was very welcome. He was an Anniversary Gift the best kind ever. Christian doesn't talk yet or walk but I can already tell he's a big thinker.
He is always watching. I can't wait to see how his personality unfolds... but at the same time hope he takes his sweet time. He is my baby, my last and I'd like to keep him sdmall for a bit ;o)